Keeping Your Business and Customers Safer With a Grab-N-Go

The entire food industry has forever changed due to a virus that struck our society in a way it hasn’t been seen in over a century. Thus, this has affected the way we live our lives and especially the way we conduct business. RIMASEE being a company that specializes in the development and distribution of commercial food equipment has a priority of not only finding better and more effective ways to display and or process food products but to also maximize space and help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and of any other type of virus that can be spread through surfaces, making food retailers a better and safer place for consumers to get their favorite products.
In an effort to determine which refrigerated equipment models are better suited for cases like Covid-19 a computer simulation was made and the results confirmed a theory we had and with an outstanding margin difference of over 85%, we were able to determine that air curtain refrigerated display cases or Grab-N-Go display cases decrease the spread ratio of a virus like Covid-19 within a food retailer store, making them the safer option for retailers like convenience stores and mini markets which count on reduced space when compared to larger closed retailer stores like supermarkets. The explanation of this result is quite simple, air curtain refrigerated display cases have no doors, so when consumers find the product that they want, there is no reason for them to open any door preventing the spread of the virus if in any case they do have it on their hands or if its already on the door handle of the refrigerated case.
RIMASEE carries several refrigerated open-air curtain merchandisers or as we like to call them Grab-N-Go display cases which not only helps increase sells and reduce the spread ratio of Covid-19 inside your food store but also come with their many advantages such as:
- Ensured Mobility: 4 swivel wheels with brakes for quick and easy installation on your sales area. (Optional)
- Optimal Visibility of products
- Integrated LED Lighting
- Fits conveniently near the check-outs and favours impulse buying
- Low power consumption
- Reduced height: accessibility is easier for children
So, don’t hesitate to ask us about our Grab-N-Go equipment, we have the perfect model for you. Visit our online shop and if you need help with financing let us know and we will gladly help you out.